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The Good Shepherd Catholic College
Mount Isa


"…we strive to develop the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social and physical potential of each person…" (College Mission Statement)

At Good Shepherd Catholic College we believe that retreats play an important part in the social, emotional and spiritual development of each and every child. We hold various year level retreats encompassing a variety of structured experiences which aim to nurture their personal development and spiritual growth through developing understanding and empathy. Each retreat experience provides every student opportunities to develop into responsible young adults equipped with the skills to handle any of life’s challenges.

Our Junior Retreats are one day retreats held at the Good Shepherd Parish and focus on relationships, community and understanding oneself. The Year 8 Retreat inducts students into the college culture and helps develop bonds with their peers and fellow College Leaders. The Year 10 Retreat programs focus on the significance of stamping out bullying and being cyber smart as well as aiding their transition into senior schooling and future leadership roles.

In the senior years the retreats aim to deepen the exploration into the student’s own spirituality and provide time for self-reflection and personal growth. These retreats are held over a number of days and are conducted outside of Mount Isa.

For any student, retreats can often be an emotional time as they start to explore their own lives, relationships and spirituality. Our Pastoral Care Coordinators and teachers work closely with all students during these retreats to provide the support and guidance they need in order to gain the most out of every experience.

2023 Year Level Retreats

Year 7 - Friday, 3rd March

Year 8 - Friday, 28th April

Year 9 - Thursday, 27th July

Year 10 - TBC

Year 11 – TBC

Year 12 – Wednesday, 24th May

The Good Shepherd Catholic College Mount Isa

Address 124 Camooweal Street, Mount Isa QLD 4825

Phone (07) 4743 2509

Office Hours 8.00am - 3.30pm

We are in week 9 of Term 1
There are 10 weeks in Term 1
Traditional Owners Kalkadoon People

The Good Shepherd Catholic College community acknowledges the Kalkadoon People, The Traditional owners of the land on which our college sits. We also acknowledge and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres strait islander elders, past, present and emerging.