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Year 10 is filled with many new and exciting aspects where students strengthen their identity and commence their senior phase of learning. Our students journey through a structured pastoral care program designed to assist in shaping our students’ lives focusing on self-esteem, character building, leadership, study skills, career profile building and career pathway discovery.
Here at Good Shepherd, we aim to increase motivation, build confidence, and lift exam performance, which is vital for the new ATAR system. Students are involved in multiple seminars run by external companies, TAFE, local businesses and universities. They also engage in a study skills seminar in Term 1 which is facilitated by Elevate Education. Elevate’s high impact seminars and workshops help students improve their study techniques, lifting exam performance. This is dire, as our Year 10’s will be completing external examinations through the new ATAR system.
To support students through the senior phase of learning, Year 10’s also create Career Action Plans in Term 1 and SET Plans in Term 2. This allows students to help organise their pathway for senior school, set goals and outline strategies to help them achieve success.
The Year 10 cohort also attends a Retreat which has a focus on leadership, team building, resilience and maturity. This program will assist students in the transition to their final years of schooling.
There are many new and exciting aspects of being a senior student here at Good Shepherd Catholic College. We ensure that students receive the utmost support throughout their journey, build life-long relationships and develop real-world skills that will prepare them for the future.

The Good Shepherd Catholic College community acknowledges the Kalkadoon People, The Traditional owners of the land on which our college sits. We also acknowledge and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres strait islander elders, past, present and emerging.