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The Good Shepherd Catholic College
Mount Isa
Year 11 Pastoral Care

Year 11 Pastoral Care

Year 11 sees our students lay the foundations for their two year senior journey of learning and skills development.


This will be supported through their Pastoral Care program which includes:

  • Self care - Time together reflecting on our cohort - meditation, feedback and group talks
  • Study and homework planning
  • Direction that their chosen Pathway and alternatives
  • The exploration of the College Careers Portal
  • Development of Resumes
  • Guess speakers from industry - Employment agencies and TAFE, and
  • Leadership development

 Term 4 presents the Year 11's as with the experience of their senior retreat as they transition into the year 12 curriculum and become the leaders of the college. The retreat is a week long opportunity to build on their strengths in teamwork and self abilities, through taking the opportunity of self reflection and students unpack their cohorts chosen scripture and its meaning relative to them as young adults in society.

The Good Shepherd Catholic College Mount Isa

Address 124 Camooweal Street, Mount Isa QLD 4825

Phone (07) 4743 2509

Office Hours 8.00am - 3.30pm

We are in week 9 of Term 1
There are 10 weeks in Term 1
Traditional Owners Kalkadoon People

The Good Shepherd Catholic College community acknowledges the Kalkadoon People, The Traditional owners of the land on which our college sits. We also acknowledge and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres strait islander elders, past, present and emerging.