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The Good Shepherd Catholic College
Mount Isa


What is Positive Behaviour for Learning?

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) is a behaviour management framework that schools use to get everyone: students; staff; families; and the school community, on the same page to create a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. It is an international evidence-based whole school process which can be implemented in any school setting to support students from preschool through to Year 12.

PB4L is when schools create clear expectations and rules that use positive language, for example "walk" instead of "don't run". This is done for all locations across the school and involves all people in the school community. Students and families are also involved in this decision-making process. Once everyone has agreed to the expectations, a system is designed to acknowledge or reward students for following the expectations.

School communities also work together to decide on what happens when things don't go according to plan. PB4L uses an educative approach so there is the opportunity for students to correct their behaviour.

 When PB4L is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Additionally, students and staff benefit from: 

  • increased time focused on instruction;
  • improved social-emotional wellbeing;
  • positive and respectful relationships among students and staff;
  • reduced inappropriate behaviour;
  • better support for teachers to teach, model and respond effectively to student needs; and
  • a predictable learning environment where staff and students know what is expected.
 PB4L at Good Shepherd Catholic College

 In 2022, PB4L will be implemented as our new College Behaviour Management Process.  The success of PB4L requires that it is delivered from a whole school approach to ensure consistency in student behaviour management along a continuum of intensity of support.  It will also require reflective practices that include ongoing review, monitoring and adjustment of the processes.

 The GSCC PB4L Working Group will continue to meet regularly in the initial implementation phase to: seek community feedback; monitor the processes that are working well; improve or omit the processes that are not working well; and present recommendations to the College community if required.

The Good Shepherd Catholic College Mount Isa

Address 124 Camooweal Street, Mount Isa QLD 4825

Phone (07) 4743 2509

Office Hours 8.00am - 3.30pm

We are in week 9 of Term 1
There are 10 weeks in Term 1
Traditional Owners Kalkadoon People

The Good Shepherd Catholic College community acknowledges the Kalkadoon People, The Traditional owners of the land on which our college sits. We also acknowledge and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres strait islander elders, past, present and emerging.